View top spotify artists
View top spotify artists

view top spotify artists

For a look at the most popular musicians since the birth of streaming, check out Spotify’s most-streamed artists of all-time here. To see which artists have peaked over time, check out this Wikipedia article for a full breakdown of the stats. Click 'Top Artists' to see your most listened to artists from the last four weeks. The most-streamed female artist is currently Dua Lipa, with over 71 million monthly listeners. How to Find Your Top Spotify Artists Go to, and sign in with your Spotify login information. That means around 19% of Spotify’s 422 million monthly active users (as of March 2022) have listened to Ed Sheeran in the past month.

view top spotify artists

Recently overtaking The Weeknd and Justin Bieber following the release of his fourth studio album at the end of last year, Ed Sheeran currently sits atop the top ten, with over 80 million monthly listeners. We recently looked at the most followed artists on Spotify, but who are the top streamed artists? Monthly listeners are updated by Spotify every 24 hours and publicly displayed on the profiles of all artists. Use Soundcharts Spotify analytics tools to assess the performance of any of the 5M+ artists in our database.

view top spotify artists

They can see their Last 7 days stats for listeners, streams, and followers. Generate statistics about the music you play more often on Spotify. Spotify’s monthly listeners give us a clear view of currently popular artists. They can see the latest blog posts from Spotify. Generate statistics about the music you play more often on Spotify. The most popular artists worldwide as of July 2022.

View top spotify artists